Friday, December 14, 2012

Aching heart

When I first heard the news of the horrible tragedy in Newtown at school today, my first thought was about my own children. As a teacher, I know all of the precautions that we take for the safety of our students, and I hope that if (God forbid) we were in that situation, I would be able to be brave and protect my students like those amazing teachers in Newtown.

But as a mom, I just feel so scared for my children. I had to walk out of the lunchroom today after watching 5 minutes of the coverage. I just couldn't think about what it would be like if one of my children was in that classroom. We send our kids to schools that we think are safe, and then something like this happens and we question everything we know to be true. I found myself this evening feeling so blessed that I have these 2 beautiful children who are safe, but conflicted at the same time as I thought about those parents who would not be able to see their children.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those families. 20 children, innocent babies senselessly killed. No one should have to endure something like this. Ever.

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