Saturday, August 17, 2013

The L-word

As a mom, I have dealt with many disgusting things in the past 6 years. But never in the world did I envision encountering what I just dealt with in my house.


Just typing it there skeeves me out. When one of Lori's classmates had it during the school year, and we got the letter home from the nurse, I went into emergency response mode. I promptly washed her jacket and hoodies, washed her hair with tea tree oil (which is supposed to be a deterrent), checked her hair daily, and happily never found anything.

We had been happily enjoying our summer, and then, I noticed that Lori was itching her head. (Relax--this was MANY weeks ago)I figured it was dry scalp--lots of time in the pool, being out in the sun, etc. The blood-sucking disgusting bugs were not ANYWHERE on my radar. How in the world would she get lice in the middle of the summer? I checked her head, and noticed some sand from the sandbox but that was about it. 

Then one day, I saw something crawling in her hair. And red marks on the nape of her neck. My husband took out a flashlight and a fine tooth comb, and we saw the nits. (Again, many weeks ago, but just writing now.)

Immediately, all the different ways any of the family members could have caught it were popping into my head--she had been climbing in bed to snuggle with me in the mornings; she and Hunter regularly make forts with the living room pillows and blankets; the comb the kids share; the dress up clothes.... the list goes on. 

24 hours of washing anything her head may have touched and 2 Nix treatments later (which is a GIANT pain in the ass when you have a girl with a full head of hair, by the way), and it was contained to just Lori.

But in the meantime, I will be scratching my head and making my husband check me every 5 minutes.

This was weeks ago--those creepy crawlies are over and done with, so no one around is in danger of getting it anymore. And we still don't know how she got it.