Sunday, October 13, 2013

I'm just one of those people

The first time Lori slept away from home she was 6 weeks old. I cried almost the entire time, and woke up early to pick her up, but I got through it. Since then, she and Hunter have both slept over my parent's, my in-law's, and other aunts' and cousins' houses.  I love that they are independent enough and comfortable enough that it is never anxiety promoting. In fact, when I drop them off, the reaction I usually get is, "okay, Mom, see you, bye." It is also a great way for them to connect with other family members, and get some special treatment. 

Bonus: I get a lovely break from my mostly fabulous but at times annoying children. I'm just one of those people who needs a break from my kids every once in awhile. 

This weekend was a special treat. Hunter slept at my mom's alone, and Lori stayed with  me. 6 year olds are especially delightful when they don't have a 4 year old around to annoy them. We ran errands, went for a long walk, collected leaves, read books, and she played by herself for hours without needing me to do a single thing. It was blissful. It was easy. It was so great to have a night where she was the sole focus of attention. 

Bonus: Scott and I got through dinner and a breakfast out with friends without having our conversation interrupted with, "Mommy.Mommy.Mommy.Mommy." 

I really love my boy, but man was it nice to have the break from his incessant chatter. 

I know, I'm horrible for saying that. But I know I will enjoy him much more tomorrow after having some time apart. 

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