My kids have just been cracking me up this week with the things they are saying.
H- "Mom, I'm going to put you in your room. You are annoying me." I'm not sure where he got that from-<sarcasm>
In addition, we now have the, "You're so annoying." "No, you are!" arguments that are inevitable with siblings so close in age.
L-"Mom, did you know that God can see everything? I wonder if he can see inside my body."
This one is said quite often by H- "Aw, I forgot to tell him/her/them something before they left!" Usually when I ask him what he needed to tell the person/people, he has something silly, unimportant, or can't remember.
L-"Mom, God must have really big eyes if he can see everything. Do you think they are magic, like Santa? I think he chooses the weather, too."
H misspeak: a lawnmower is a "mow lawn"
L misspeak- Monster's University is "Monster's Anniversary"
What I am really enjoying most right now is hearing how expressive Hunter is with his thoughts and train of thought these days. The conversations we have just crack me up, partially because what he talks about, but also because of his "delivery." He is quite dramatic and animated (like Scott) when he tells a story, and usually had to demonstrate it by physically acting it out, which is hysterical. He and Lori are really great playmates most of the time, so it is really funny to watch their dueling imaginations.
Can't wait to see the funny things they do this week!
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