1. Son crawls into bed at 5:30am. Snuggle with him until he gets hungry and wonderful hubby gets up to get him breakfast. Fall back asleep until 8 because hubby feeds kids and puts a show on so he can start shoveling.
2. Wake up and go "OMG this snow is INSANE!!" Look out all the windows to survey the craziness.
3. Eat breakfast and hang out with kids. Decide that this snow is too much for hubby--get yourself and kids dressed for snow and head out to help.
4. Get totally overwhelmed by the amount of snow that needs to be cleaned. Help hubby shovel while kids play in snow. Watch hubby ski down the hill because we aren't plowed yet. Laugh at him with the neighbors as he hikes back up the hill.
5. Send kids inside to watch TV and continue to shovel.
6. Come in to warm up and make lunch. (Lunch included edible playdough for kids and soup for me and hubby)
7. Head back out to shovel while hubby takes a break and gets kids to nap.
8. Remain overwhelmed at the amount of snow. Trudge to back of the house to clear slider door of snow. Walk through waist high drifts of snow to come back to the front. Decide that you are done with snow for the day.
9. Entertain kiddos with various activities--Valentine making, sensory play, coloring, more math with the older child.
10. Make dinner while kids play in the snow with wonderful neighbor child for an entire hour.
11. Make snowcones for the kids.
12. Bedtime for kiddos=drinks for us again.
13. Chill and contemplate that we have to clean off the deck tomorrow. Look at weather report and wonder if we'll be in school on Monday.
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