As a teacher, I feel like my role is to teach my students to be independent learners. I want them to be able to look at a piece of music and be able to figure out for themselves what the notes sound like. I want them to listen to a recording and be able to assess what they are hearing so that they can improve. Well, I feel like my most important job as a mom is to give my kids independence as well.
My husband works 2nd shift and has since my daughter was born 5 years ago,so during the week I am on my own getting dinner ready and doing the bedtime routine.When I had a 2 year old and an infant, it was miserable. My a-ha moment came when Lori was 3 and went to preschool. Her wonderful teacher loves getting the kids to do as much as they can themselves, even if it is messy. Kids pour their own milk and juice at snack, put their own snow pants and jackets on and off, and sweep up cornmeal when they are done at the sensory table.
Once I saw how truly capable she could be, even at barely 3, I decided that I was going to put her to work, and Hunter once he was old enough. Before dinner each night, I set the plates on the counter, and they put them on the table. They figure out what utensils we need based on what we are eating and get those out of the drawers themselves. If they want ketchup, butter, sour cream, etc... they get it out of the fridge. They can get themselves a cup of water when they are thirsty. And when dinner is done, they clear their own plates, scrape leftovers into the compost or garbage and help put things back.
There are other tasks that they do as well (load/unload dishwasher, put clothes away, etc). Does it make my life a little harder at first to teach them these skills? Yes. Do they spill things sometimes? Sure. But to see them so proud of themselves because they are contributing to the household tasks makes it all worth it. I'm hoping that by starting them early, I won't have fights over it when they are bigger because the behaviors will be automatic.
As much as it is hard not having my husband here to do the evening routine with me, it really has helped me to make my kids way more independent than I probably would have if we were both home at night. It is one of the many blessings that has come out of this crazy schedule we live!
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