Sunday, April 6, 2014

Taking time

It struck me as I was at one of the smallest CMEA conferences I have ever attended that music educators in our state are not taking care of ourselves.

You know that whole idea we talk about as parents all the time? Take time for yourself, or the kids will suffer? That same idea applies to our profession as music educators. 

The idea that student affairs is the only important thing that our organization does makes me angry. Student affairs and the opportunities our kids get are wonderful and important. But more important is our dedication to improving our teaching. No one should be saying that they already know enough or have seen enough--there is always something new to learn. 

Other music education organizations I've been involved with, TI:ME, ACDA and OAKE seem to serve the membership first, and the students second. By serving their members first, they are ensuring that students receive a better education. Something needs to change, but without members stepping up to make it happen, it won't. I hope that my colleagues start ask our organization for something better, because we certainly need it. I CRAVE this time away from my students to hone my craft and learn something to make me a better teacher, but we can't learn if all of the resources are being taken away from the professional development end of things. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hunter's rules for playing trains

Totally fell of the wagon with blogging as I have just been busy with other things, and not had any brilliant ideas. Today, this idea struck me, however, as I read a post from Rants from Mommyland called "Rules for Singing Frozen," and it made me think of how we play Thomas the Train at my house.

1. Each train must have it's specific sound. Heaven help you if you try to use a different sound--you will be immediately reprimanded.
Thomas=peep peep
Gordon=poop poop
James=toot toot
Diesel=honk honk
Fiery Flynn=wooooooo (like a siren)
Belle=ding ding
Henry=choo choo
Percy=chugga chugga

2. Hunter's trains may go counterclockwise, or clockwise, depending on how he feels that day. Your trains may not go in the opposite direction, or get in his way.

3. No bashing trains off the track, unless he does it.

4. No breaking down the track before he's ready to do it

5. The trains talk, but the conversation that happens must NOT be improvised. Hunter will tell you exactly what you say, and when you say it. You must not deviate from his script or suffer the consequences.

6. Hunter's final rule- "Everyday, I am in charge of the trains."